Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Some times

So i am going on a trip to seattle again im not really into going on this seattle trip the whole thing already is turning against what i had envisioned.  I guess that this would humble me but im never going on a trip again with mark thats for sure the whole times a competition with him to see who can gave the most power.   His pressence is more important that mine on this certain trip.  So the power is going to be given to him.  I dont know what i could do short of blowing up and becoming tired of doing the gay ass mark thing to do.  As if it was the greatest idea in history.  Cant wait to delete this motherfucker from my life forever.  Cant hang out with someone always trying to come up on everyone, or someone who thinks their the best but isnt good for shit.  Im gonna ride this one mark trip and see how the whole thing turns out  Once we et on the road it should be open communication in wich i can run the show back.  But im gonna have to see how it turns out and do it situationally. Try not to be obviouslly against them.  Just kick back and let it proceed.  I can already see mark getting his way because hes a little bitch that get unconfortable about everything and everyone wants to cater to him because their his close friends.  Im gonna head on this trip pissed at all of them.  I cant believe alia even had a role to play sheis so fucken stupid.  Just bombarded by her stupid bullshit. Fuck her.  Ice got to figure out where i want to go see.  Without quetion.  BUt now its gotta go in terms of whats going to be good with mark.  Ive gotta think in terms of how im gonna outdo him on this here trip.  There gonna try and drain me but theyll see that im not gonna go fall easily.  I hold a spark in my heart that cant be stamped out.  By anyone.  Its good to see other peoples ways though but the human empathy that i have allows me to actually play by their rules in their game.  This whole hanging out with old friends thing is stupid.  I cant wait to go to see lynnwood.