Sunday, July 24, 2011

Picturing and memorizing and focusing on what produced good results

So I have just came to the realization that in order to produce good results and continue to produe similiar good results i have to remember what it was that prouced them for example, when i didnt have anything to do i would search up netflix and i found a bunch of interesting movies to watch and i discovered a new movie by realizes what gets me to hbearing fruits i will be able to go back to those ways to produce goods again.  It beats doing the same routine over and over facebook and all that gay shit.  So from now on I will use netflix to browse through the repetoire to find good stuff and maybe be turned onto some new things.  Its easy to fall into a viscious cycle of very low satifaction routines.  Whereas typing in this blog and netflix has produced some  rewarding things.  I endered up downloading a new book called catching the big fish by david lynch.  Today i decided to look back at lynch because it seems whenever i research him it gets me back on track because to me he is such a pure artist.  There are others and I need to avoid loosing track and just surfing the same 3 sites all the time when theres work that can be way more rewarding.  Blogspot is helping me understand myself and its helping me set a foundation for coming up with good ideas such as quality ideas.  Netflix has such a database.  Sometimes i dont feel like watching movies but there are so many movies out there that i might as well do a search.  The reason i didnt feel like watching movies is probably because i was stuck in this dull mind state where nothing would be interesting, but when i open my eyes to look even further i easily find some good rewards.  This makes me happy.  I am happy that i have something new to do.

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