Monday, July 25, 2011

Tomorow and Yesterdays Learning

So today I sat at home and tryed a little bit to gain greater knowledge of my inner self.  I did this by breaking my 4 website routine and trying some new websites and it led to more and more funner things.  So if i can stray away and notice when i am getting into that 3 website routine i think i can get myself into wanting to search for more fun things to do.  I fucken hate when i get into my routine bullshit.  So I ended up reading the entire Catching the big fish by david Lynch.  It was really interesting to see another person point of view on how a person should be to gain greater understandings of himself and the creativity process.  I enjoy the way he writes too.  Although red aloud its not very interesting and can be repetitious in tone.  But read to myself ther eare tones of parts that are comical and there are parts with great insight and there are parts that just are interesting about the dude himself.  I think im gonna try trancendental meditation tomorow morninging.  He talks about it so much and about how important it is in his creating process.  30 mintues in the morning and thirty in the evening.  Today i learned that Quality is very important.  And i should spend more quality time and make my readings more quality reading and to learn what quality feels like.  It kind of feels pure and it feels more realer.  Its like being on the same train everyday and instead of looking out the window and doing your usual train thing that you take am oment to stop and look around.  Quality is important.  Today i also learned of the importance of knowing the inner self and being guilt free and pure.  Its important to know the inner self because from inside there you can learn who you really are and now be confused and its also self empowering to a whole bunch.  I had a good ass skating day today as well.  What i did that created the good skating was i stretch my popping leg for a good while, while i was watching a movie.  Tonite before bed im going to download david lynchs films and watch them tomorow so i have something to watch while i excercise.  Also i loosened the shoelace on my shoe which also was a good thing.  I also had a vendetta to not act like i suck at the skatepark this time which was relieveing to me because id rather skate the way i like to skate then to just act like i suck.  I have a retardation where i like to act like i suck around people who suck because i dont want that attention.  But this is bad for my progress in skating.  Other people are slowly mattering less and less to me.  ANd to me that is important because usually im uncontrollabley impressionabl.  Alia came home and i thought that my new found way of trying to rid myself of guilt and be pure was going to be destroyed by the memory of her presence as usual.  But 2 days was enough to get me into really nailing in the purity and guilt free lessons i learned.  I must add on to this learning tomorow.  Tomorow im gonna try and get up and watch one of the movies and excercise and then go to alias and then meditate and play the guitar.  Everything else is unimportant to me in life now but the music.  I also have a lot of prioritys to handle i need to call jim and i need to se eif skippers in jail.  I may skate alone tomorow.  Hopefully start skateing more in the evening.

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